Autonomy and Trust: New frontiers for Social intelligence and Multi-agent systems by Rino Falcone and Cristiano Castelfranchi
Tutor bio:
Cristiano Castelfranchi, full professor of "Cognitive Sciences" at the University of Siena, Department of Communication Science; director of the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies- ISTC of the National Research Council, in Roma. (former Head of the Division of “AI, Cognitive and Interaction Modeling”, and of the Division of “Social Psychology”).
Cognitive scientist, with a background in linguistics and psychology, he is active in both the Multi-Agent Systems, the Social Simulation, and the Cognitive Science communities. Program chair of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems – AAMAS-2002; chair of several international workshops in these fields (like ATAL; “Trust and Deception in Artificial Societies”); advisory member of several international conferences and societies (like Cognitive Science; IFMAS); member of the editorial board of "Autonomous Agents and MAS", of "Cognitive Science Quarterly", of the MIT CogNet; promoter of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences, and of the special interest group on Agents of the AI*IA.