Modal logics for multiagent systems by Jürgen Dix and Wojtek Jamroga
Tutor bio:
Master's at Heidelberg University (1986, Major Mathematics, minor Physics), his PhD at Karlsruhe University (1992, Computer Science) and his habilitation (1996, Databases and Information systems) at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria). He worked as an assistant professor at the University of Maryland (USA) (1999) and as an associate professor at Victoria University of Manchester (UK) from 2000-2003. Since 2004 he holds the chair for \emph{Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence} at Clausthal University of Technology. He is also Head of Department since 2004. He published more than 170 papers and gave more than 60 invited talks/tutorials (USA, UK, Australia, Argentina, France, Austria, Poland). He co-authored two monographs (MIT Press and Cambridge University Press), co-edited 13 books (Springer LNCS, LNAI, MASA) and nine special issues of various journals. He led a range of successful projects (ca.1 Mio euro) and organised more than 30 international conferences and workshops. I am on the PC of most conferences and workshops in computational logic, on the steering committees of FoIKS, ProMAS and CLIMA, and on the Editorial Boards of 5 journals.
Wojtek Jamroga did his Master's degree (Computer Science) in 1995 at the Gdansk University of Technology (Poland), and his PhD (in Computer Science again) at the University of Twente (Netherlands) in 2004. Since 2004, he works as a postdoc at the Clausthal University of Technology (Germany). His research is focused on Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems in general, and modal logic-based approaches to MAS in particular.