Since the human world and software systems form a complex and changing environment, the concept of context appears as a core component of a human centered process. While focussing on the contextualization, we collect the state-of-the-art and new perspectives in different areas such as decision making, case-based reasoning, Knowledge Representation, planning, diagnosis, Natural Language Processing, control, ... in which human interact.
The major challenges must typically include:
- new methods and new algorithms for contextualization,
- how to bridge the gap between semantic web and contexts,
- contextualization of ontological engineering,
- context in design tools,
- context in interactive systems such as question-answering systems,
- ambient systems which must include a user model,
- inter-personal work practices modelling in enterprises,
- investigation of formalisms to ensure sound mechanisms incorporating human activity and context models,
in all domains where contexts play a key role (explicitly recognized or not).
From selected papers, the hot topics to be discussed will be extracted. The one-day workshop will be organized in three steps:
- short presentation of the position statements of participants (one or two sessions) and of the points they would like to be discussed,
- division of participants in small groups around the retained topics,
- presentation of the results for each group and synthesis.