List of Workshops

WC1: Smart University


Thomas Roth-Berghofer, S. Oussena (University of West London, UK), and M. Atzmüller (University of Kassel, Germany)

Short description: 

The Smart University is the vision of the university as a platform that delivers foundational context data to drive the analysis and improvement of the teaching & learning environment. The university as a platform links the daily journey of lecturers and students and makes the classroom experience explicit. In this workshop we want to explore the possibilities of acquiring and using contextual data. By letting students and teachers tell their story with automatically generated environmental and social data underpinning their story, the university as a platform can help prospective students and lecturers make an informed decision about their participation in the respective environment. For example, collecting sensor data on noise levels and temperature can help backing up quality complaints about co-located noisy classes or uncomfortable room temperatures.




WC2: Context for Business Process Management


Xiao Liu (East China Normal University, China) and Xiaoliang Fan (Lanzhou University, China).

Short description:

The goal of the workshop is to promote the role of context in business process management (BPM) by discussing (1) what the context community can bring to BPM community, including business and scientific workflow management; and (2) What are the challenges of BPM and workflow system that BPM community think context (context-based, context-aware, etc.) may solve. We are looking for extension of business processes and workflows like context-based BPM, context-based workflow, and if possible, contextualized workflow.

The workshop solicits original papers on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Context and BPM: concepts and theory, (e.g. Context-centric flexibility, adaptability and evolution in BPM, Context-based BPM as a Service or Workflow as a Service, Knowledge and reasoning representation for business process, Security, privacy and trust in Context-based BPM, Other socio-technical aspects of context for BPM)
  • Context-aware business process, (e.g. Context for Mobile and Ubiquitous applications, Context-aware BPM for Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting, Context-aware Recommendation process, Context for Dynamic selection of web services)
  • Human-centric business process, (e.g. Context-based Scientific workflow in the grid or cloud, People-/Knowledge-intensive process, Crowdsourcing and process based on social networks, User-centric aspects of BPM)
  • Context as constraints for workflow design, execution and scheduling, (e.g. Automatic workflow verification and generation with context constraints, Context-based Load balancing of workflow engines, Context and Quality-of-Service constraints for workflow design, Context-based process mining)

