Abstract Submission
This 8th edition of Multitemp takes advantage of the EasyChair Conference System. To submit an extended abstract (2-4 pages) click here.
The link above will redirect you to an EasyChair login page dedicated to the Multitemp2015 workshop. If you already have an EasyChair user account, simply log in and apply for a New Submission on the top of the page. If you don’t have an EasyChair user account, sign up for a new account and follow the instructions. At the end log in and apply for a New Submission on the Multitemp’2015 EasyChair page. Once the submission process has been completed successfully you SHOULD receive an e-mail of acknowledgment. If this is not the case, please verify your submission on the EasyChair system. In case of problem, contact us at submission@multitemp2015.org for help.
To prepare your abstract please use the following templates (LaTex and Word templates) .
The abstract submission opens on January 16th 2015. The deadline is February 27th 2015.
MULTITEMP 2015 authors are also encouraged to submit to the IEEE-JSTAR special issue : "Analysis of multitemporal data and applications" Guest editors: Emmanuel Trouvé, Grégoire Mercier and Lorenzo Bruzzone.