Principal Researcher at the Europen Centre for Soft Computing Associate professor at the University of Granada, Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Friday 22nd – 9h00-10h00

An automatic method for forensic identification based on soft computing techniques

This talk will be focused on the development of an automatic method to assist forensic anthropologists in the identification of deceased people through craniofacial superimposition. This skeleton-based forensic identification technique is based on overlaying a photograph of the missing person and a graphical model of the skull found to determine if they correspond to the same person. The introduced intelligent system considers the use of fuzzy logic and evolutionary algorithms for the automatic reconstruction of tridimensional models of human skulls and for the automatic 3D skull model – 2D face photograph overlay. The resulting soft computing-based system is the outcome of a coordinated project between the European Centre for Soft Computing and the University of Granada’s Physical Anthropology Lab. It is protected by an international patent and will be commercialized in 2012. The results obtained in several real-world cases solved by the latter Lab in cooperation with the Spanish Scientific Police will be reported.