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The 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE'06)

Annecy (FRANCE)

27-30 june 2006

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Special session on Ontology and text


From a stricto sensu point of view, there is no direct relationship between ontology and text. The former is interesting in conceptualization – as an extra linguistic representation of conceptual knowledge –, when the latter is a matter for linguistics. Nevertheless, ontology and text are more and more connected from the first stages to the last ones of some ontology-oriented applications. As a matter of fact, ontology acquisition can rely on text since we use words for speaking about knowledge, as well as ontology can be used for semantic annotation of documents. But we have to keep in mind that words of use and concepts belong to different disciplines: the signified (signifié – Saussure) of a word in a text is not a concept and a lattice of words linked by linguistic relationships is not necessarily an ontology.

The goal of this special session is to bring together researchers interesting in both ontology (from a theory of knowledge point of view) and linguistics. The overall focus covers topics such as:

  • ontology acquisition from text,
  • methods for structuring knowledge
  • ontology and terminology,
  • conceptual or semantic relationships in text,
  • use of ontologies for acquiring knowledge or semantic relationships in text
  • ontology-oriented applications in linguistics (e.g. semantic annotation).

Articles on return experience will be highly appreciated.

Delivery and submissions

We invite authors to submit papers in the standard LNCS style (see the formatting page) on research related to ontologies and linguistics, with particular emphasis on the above topics. Accepted papers will appear on the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag.

Session Organizer

Prof. Christophe ROCHE     

Laboratoire LISTIC (Condillac team) - Université de Savoie 

Campus Scientifique                                              

73 376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex France

tel: +33 (0) 4 79 75 87 79

fax: +33 (0) 4 79 75 88 88



Program committee

  • Christopher Brewster, University of Sheffield (UK)
  • Gerhard Budin, University of Vienna (At) 
  • Teresa Cabré, Pompeu Fabra University (Sp)
  • Marie-Claude L'Homme, OLST, University of Montréal (Ca)
  • Maria Teresa Pazienza, University of Rome Tor Vergata (It)
  • James Pustejovsky, University of Brandeis (US)
  • Christophe Roche, University of Savoie (Fr)



Important Dates for Papers

December 16, 2005
Electronic Paper Submission Deadline

January 26, 2006
Author(s) Notification

March 4, 2006
Camera-Ready Copy Deadline

June 29, 2006
IEA/AIE-06 Special session on ontology and text

List of accepted papers


"Towards Automatic Concept Hierarchy Generation for Specific Knowledge "


"An open and scalable framework for enriching ontologies with natural "


"Acquiring an ontology from text. A Legal Case Study"


"Merging of Legal Micro-Ontologies from European Directives"


"An approach of Automatic Ontology-base Annotation of Biomedical Texts"


"When the lexical and semantic structures do not fit."


"Discovering verb relation in corpora: distributional versus"


"Modelling Knowledge for information retrieval with ZDoc"