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The 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE'06)

Annecy (FRANCE)

27-30 june 2006

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Special session on Data for Discovery in Engineering


Prerequisites to extract values from "tons" of data and models available in the Internet are:

  • excellent inspirations and intuitions as experts and/or non-experts
  • acquisition and management of high quality data
  • high performance models and codes
  • tactics and strategies-heuristics to converge into solutions
  • powerful tools for multi-aspect analysis
  • visualization interfaces for emergence.

The session organizers will prepare a screened database to be used as a strawman on discovery, and expect future authors to report better exemplars on data and discoveries in the special session.

Delivery and submissions

We invite authors to submit papers in the standard LNCS style (see the formatting page) on research highlighting the above topics. Accepted papers will appear on the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag.

Session organizers (co-chairs for this special session)

Shuichi IWATA, 

President of CODATA(Committee on Data for Science and Technology)

Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Room 507A, Building E12

QUEST, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 JAPAN

Tel/Fax : +81-3-5841-6985,

Cellular Phone +81-090-8841-7199



Knowledge Information Systems Lab.

Department of Information Engineering

Maebashi Institute of Technology

460-1 Kamisadori-Cho

Maebashi-City 371-0816

Tel-Fax: +81-27-265-7366

E-mail: zhong@maebashi-it.ac.jp

Important Dates for Papers

November 25, 2005
Electronic Paper Submission Deadline

January 26, 2006
Author(s) Notification

March 4, 2006
Camera-Ready Copy Deadline

June 27-30, 2006
IEA/AIE-06 Special session on Data for Discovery in Engineering Systems

Accepted papers


"Partially Ordered Template-Based Matching Algorithm for Financial Time Series"


"Prediction of Railway Passenger Traffic Volume by Means of LS-SVM and MA"


"Model and Algebra for Genetic Information of Data"


"Forecasting Intermittent Demand by Fuzzy Support Vector Machines"