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The 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE'06)

Annecy (FRANCE)

27-30 june 2006

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Special session on Applications of Data Mining


The goal of this special session is to bring together researchers interesting in applications of Artificial Intelligence in Data Mining. Researchers from these areas are encouraged to submit proposals to present their work describing data mining techniques applied to any domain. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their innovation, relevance, scientific contribution, presentation, and usability. Examples of covered topics are:

  • the mining of periodic clustering sequential patterns
  • mining multiple-level association rules
  • handling incomplete categorical data for supervised learning
  • text categorization techniques
  • inductive learning techniques
  • intelligent agent for classifications

Delivery and submissions

We invite authors to submit papers in the standard LNCS style (see the formatting page) on research related to data mining, with particular emphasis on practical applications. Accepted papers will appear on the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag.

Session Organizer

Professor Shyi-Ming Chen,

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,

43, Section 4, Keelung Road,

Taipei 106, Taiwan, R. O. C.

E-mail: smchen@et.ntust.edu.tw

URL: http://fuzzylab.et.ntust.edu.tw

Important Dates for Papers

November 27, 2005
Electronic Paper Submission Deadline

January 26, 2006
Author(s) Notification

March 4, 2006
Camera-Ready Copy Deadline

June 27-30 2006
IEA/AIE-06 Special sessions

List of accepted papers


"An Ontology-based Intelligent Agent for Respiratory Waveform Classification"


"A New Inductive Learning Method for Multilabel Text Categorization"


"An Intelligent Customer Retention System"


"Software Diagnosis Using Fuzzified Attribute Base on Modified MEPA"


"New Methods for Text Categorization Based on A New Feature Selection Method and A New Similarity Measure between Documents"


"Using Positive Region to Reduce the Computational Complexity of Decernibility Matrix Method"


"A Novel Mining Algorithm for Periodic Clustering Sequential Patterns"


"Text Mining with Application to Engineering Diagnostics"


"Handling Incomplete Categorical Data for Supervised Learning"


"Mining Multiple-level Association Rules under the Maximum Constraint of Multiple Minimum Supports"


"A measure for data set editing by ordered"