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The 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE'06)

Annecy (FRANCE)

27-30 june 2006

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Special Session on Intelligent Control Systems


The goal of the special session is to bring together specialists in artificial intelligence and control theory by presenting cutting edge techniques to design control systems. Especially, we would like to encourage the submission of papers that combine linguistic expert strategies with conventional control techniques with the purpose of filling the gap between both approaches.

Presented control applications can concern various types of systems (discrete, continuous or hybrid) with an emphasis on some specific properties of the chosen control structure (interpretability, explicative functionality, robustness, adaptability, distribution, man-machine interfaces, computational aspect, ....).

Topics of interest include:

  • fuzzy systems,
  • learning systems,
  • qualitative reasoning,
  • case-based reasoning,
  • interval computing,
  • computing with words,
  • granular computing.

Delivery and submissions

We invite authors to submit papers in the standard LNCS style (see the formatting page) on research related to intelligent control, with particular emphasis on assessing the current state of the art and identifying future directions. Accepted papers will appear on the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag.

Session Organizer

Prof. Sylvie Galichet,

University of Savoie (ESIA)

Domaine Universitaire  - BP 806

74016 ANNECY cedex (france)

Email: galichet@univ-savoie.fr

Phone: 0450096542

Fax: 0450096559

Important Dates for Papers

November 25, 2005
Electronic Paper Submission Deadline

January 26, 2006
Author(s) Notification

March 4, 2006
Camera-Ready Copy Deadline

June 27-30, 2006
IEA/AIE-06 Special session on Intelligent Control Systems

Accepted papers


"Nonlinear Discrete System Stabilisation by an Evolutionary Neural Network"